Equipping Christian Warriors for End-Time Tribulation
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 – Mighty Leadership in the Army of God
- Chapter 2 – One World…Two Kingdoms
- Chapter 3 – Warnings Directed to the American Church (Revelation 2 & 3)
- Chapter 4 – Horsemen, Martyrdom, & a Great War (Revelation 4 - 6; Ezekiel 39 & 39)
- Chapter 5 – Trumpets, Nukes, and a Little Book (Revelation 8 – 10)
- Chapter 6 – Latter Day Warriors of God = 144,000 (Revelation 7)
- Chapter 7 – The “Seventy Weeks” of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27)
- Chapter 8 – Warriors for Christ in the Midst of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 11)
- Chapter 9 – Confrontation between the Woman and the Dragon (Revelation 12)
- Chapter 10 – Three Beasts – An Unholy Trinity (Revelation 13)
- Chapter 11 – Mystery Babylon the Great Capitol of: Wealth, Pleasure, & Harlotry (Revelation 17 - 18)
- Chapter 12 – The Last Harvest Followed by Destruction (Revelation 14 – 15 - 16)
- Chapter 13 – The Return of the King (Revelation 16:10-21 & 19:11-21)
- Chapter 14 – The Kingdom of God Reigning upon Earth (Revelation 20 -22)
- Chapter 15 – Equipping Leadership & Warriors in The Kingdom of God
- Missional Assignment: Calling Out Christian Warriors
- A Pacifist Church is Unprepared for Warfare
- Pacifist’s are Teaching Eschatology
- Jesus’ Teachings – “Make War, because We Love!”
- Target Audience – Warrior-Spirited Christians
- General Outline & Purpose of this Book
- The Opportunity for Christian Warriors
- Good Versus Great Leadership
- A Military Perspective of a Great Leader
- Deafness Among the Multitudes
- Before the Foundation of the World
- The Rebellion of Satan Continues! Why?
- In the Garden of Eden
- Questions to Consider for the Army of God
- Job – A Mighty Warrior of God
- Returning to the Confrontation in the Garden of Eden
- A Pre-Creation Covenant Between Father and Son
- Seven Wondrous Truths Unveiled by Adam’s Fall
- Trial by Ordeal – An Historical Perspective
- Biblical Examples of Ordeals by Combat
- Continuing Warfare Upon the Church
- Walking as God’s Warriors Day to Day
- Embrace this Truth: “Life is Meant to be Challenging”
- The Kingdom of God
- Mystery of the Kingdom
- Our King Provides Insight into the Mystery of His Kingdom
- Evil Seed Sown in Fertile Soil
- Handling Suffering in God’s Kingdom
- The Kingdom of God is Cosmological
- The Kingdom of this World
- Institutions in the Kingdom of this World
- Betrayal Arises from Within
- The Letters of Jesus to the Church
- The Church of Ephesus in America
- The Church of Smyrna in America
- The Church of Sardis in America
- The Church of Philadelphia in America
- The Church of Laodicea in America
- The “Attractional” Church in America
- A Marine’s Viewpoint of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
- Consequences of Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teachings
- Mighty Men in the Dispensational Community
- The Front lines of the Battlefield
- God’s Army is Strictly for Volunteers Only
- Warriors are not Traditional
- “About-Face!”
- The Father Gives the Scroll to the Son
- A False Perception of the “Lamb of God”
- A Christian Warrior’s Understanding of the “Lamb of God”
- The “Lamb of God” is also our Commander-in-Chief
- Breaking the Seals of the Scroll
- The Seven Seals – An Overview
- The Olivet Discourse & the Six Seals of the Scroll
- The Combined Effect of the Four Horsemen Upon the World
- Same Causes – Different Effects
- A World Without the Four Horsemen
- A Christian Perspective on Tribulations
- The Fifth Seal – Souls of the Martyrs
- The Spirit of Martyrdom
- Scoffers will Precede the Persecution of American Christians
- When Will the Lord’s Judgment Come?
- Opening the Sixth Seal
- The Entire World will Acknowledge the Reality of God
- Introduction to a Great War
- A Great War Begins in the Middle East
- A Great Army Descends from Magog
- Russia’s Motive for Invading Israel
- Iran’s Motive for Invading Israel
- Why America will Abandon its Support of Israel
- Why the European Union Abandons its Support of Israel
- The Invasion from the North and the Lord’s Response
- A Time of Cleansing of the Land
- The Gog Magog War – A Second One Coming?
- A Catastrophic Event Following this Gog Magog War
- Gog Magog – The War that Launches the Great Tribulation
- Gog Magog and the Christian Attitude
- Summary of the Sixth Seal
- The Dawning of the “Day of the Lord”
- A Nuclear Response to the Gog Magog War
- The Response of the Victims
- The Opening of the Seventh Seal
- Silence in Heaven and the Prayers of the Saints
- The First Four Trumpets
- The Eagle’s Warning
- Fifth Trumpet Woe – The Need for Martial Law
- Fifth Trumpet Woe – Locusts Stinging like Scorpions
- The Appearance of the Locusts
- Fifth Trumpet Woe – Nuclear Winter
- Fifth Trumpet Woe – The Arrival of Apollyon
- Sixth trumpet woe – 200 Million Killers
- A Mighty Angel Brings a Little Book
- Prophetic Warriors Must “Eat This Book”
- Mighty Leaders will Arise to Guide Many into the Kingdom
- Hope Continues to Shine in the Midst of Darkness
- “144,000 Servants” = Army of God in Tribulation
- Who are These Sons of Israel Reflected by The Twelve Tribes?
- A Brief History of the Northern Kingdom of Israel
- Israel (Ephraim) Now Living Among the Nations
- America – A Home to the Descendants of Ephraim?
- The Meaning of Number 144,000
- The Identity of the 144,000 Sealed Servants of God
- 144,000 is a Remnant of the Church, Not the Whole
- Leadership Qualities That Identify the 144,000 Remnant
- An Historical Background of the “70 Weeks” Prophecy
- Seventy “Weeks of Years” Will Bring About Six Results
- Seventy Weeks = Seventy “Weeks of Years”
- Mystery of the Numbering of the Weeks (2016 AD?)
- A Summary of the Mathematical Calculations
- The Second Coming – An Interesting Scenario
- The Temple and the Holy City
- Identifying the Temple and the Holy City
- A True Physical temple Will Soon be Built in Jerusalem
- Measuring the Temple
- The Two Witnesses
- Two Olive Trees and Two Lamp stands
- The Power of two
- Identity of Two Witnesses in Midst of Great Tribulation
- 144,000 Will Represent the Third coming of Elijah
- 144,000 Will Characterize the True Prophetic Spirit
- The Gospel Message of the Two Witnesses
- A Second Death followed by a Second Resurrection
- The Identity of the Woman
- The Dragon
- The Birth of the Male Child
- A War in Heaven
- The War Between the Woman & the Dragon
- Battlefield Tactics Employed by Satan
- Reviewing Satan’s Mission & Tactics for the End Times
- Satan’s Primary Objectives in His War on Mankind
- Summary of Revelation 12
- A Beast Rises Up from the Sea
- Seven Heads of the Beast
- Antichrist – The Final World ruler
- Antichrist – His Popularity
- Antichrist – The Appearance of Invincibility
- The Coming of the Two-Horned Beast
- The False Prophet – His Three-Fold Ministry
- False Teachers Align with the World
- Satan’s Tactics Manifested in the Heads of the Beast
- A Seven Year Covenant
- Purpose and Differences between Tribulation and the Wrath of God
- Our Lord’s Calling – “Endure & Remain Faithful”
- Rejoicing in the Midst of Tribulation
- A Chinese Song – “To be a Martyr for the Lord”
- Babylon – A Controlling Influence Over Mighty Nations
- Babylon the Great – Identifying the City
- Historic Attempts to identify Mystery Babylon
- Babylon – Uniting Politics, Commercialism, & Religion
- The Woman = Commercialism & Religious Power
- The Beast = Political & Military Power
- The Woman Loves the Beast – The Beast Hates the Woman
- The Babylonian Whore & False Christianity
- America & Israel – Both Nations Founded Under God
- America – In the World’s Spotlight
- American – Biblical Doctrines Replaced by Idolatry
- America – Where Idolatry Thrives
- Coming to America: Christian Persecution & Spiritual Revival
- Christian warriors Enduring Hardships
- Come Out of Her, My People
- Dark Stories are Followed by the Light
- “Blessings & Warnings” Summarized in Seven Major Events
- ONE: The Lamb & His 144,000 on Mt. Zion
- TWO: The Angel & the Everlasting Gospel
- THREE: The Fall of Babylon
- FOUR: Warning Against Worshiping the Beast
- FIVE: Blessed Are Those Who Die in the Lord From Now On
- SIX: The Harvest of the Earth
- SEVEN: God’s Wrath Following Upon the World of Evil
- Heaven Celebrates While the Earth Blasphemies
- The Final Judgments of Our Lord begin
- 1st Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On the Earth
- 2nd Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On the Seas
- 3rd Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On Rivers & Springs
- 4th Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On the Sun
- An Overview of the First Four Bowls of Wrath
- 5th Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On the Throne of the Beast
- 6th Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out - On the Euphrates River
- Satan’s Final Mission Strategies – An Overview
- From Armageddon to Jerusalem
- The Warrior Remnant of Israel
- 7th Bowl of God’s Wrath Poured Out – Into the Atmosphere
- The Coming of the King of Kings
- Removal of Satan from the Earth
- The Millennium Age – The 7th Day of Rest
- The Purpose of the Millennium
- Two Resurrections
- Millennial Reign Begins – 45 Days After Bowl Judgments?
- Resurrected Bodies of the Saints
- Non-Resurrected Peoples in the Millennium
- The Millennial Age – A Time of Restoration
- Resurrected Christians – Their Millennial Mission
- The Millennial Government
- Satan Released & The Last World War
- Hades or Sheol – A Temporary Abode
- “Eternally Condemned” or “Eternally Tormented”
- Lake of Fire – The Permanent Abode of the Ungodly
- The Day of Judgment
- Judgment Day – Who will be the Judge?
- Judgment Day – Who will be Judged?
- Judgment According to ‘Works”
- The “Books of Works” and the “Book of Life”
- The New Heaven & New Earth
- The New Jerusalem
- Heaven: Boring or Exciting?
- Life on the New Heaven & New Earth
- “Behold, I Am Coming Soon”
- The Book of Revelation Must Remain Open to Both Kingdoms
- A Final Warning
- “Blessed is the One Who…….!”
- Needed: Great Leaders
- Aragon – An Example of Great Leadership
- Discipline in the Army of God
- Developing Our Mission in the Army of God
- The Front lines of the Battlefield
- Ministering in the Workplace
- Networking with Frustrated Christians in the Workplace
- The Underground Church May be Next
- Our Mission Calling
- A Partnership Proposal – “A Team of Watchmen”
- Proposals for “Watchmen Team” Presentations
- Establish Teams for “Equipping Small Groups”
- Physical Preparations for the Battlefield
- Handling Suffering in the Army of God
- Our Prayer Closet – Where Understanding Grows
- A Final Prayer