Video 7: Warriors for Christ in the Midst of Great Tribulation

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Video 7 of God's Anointed Warriors In The Last Days


(Revelation 11)

This 7th presentation is not intended to be chronological, - but to present us with an overview that will enable us to understand much that is to follow in subsequent sessions which will provide more specific details.

This 7th Presentation Will Address:

  • A graphic picture of the church in the end-times generation.
  • The identity of the “Two Witnesses” and their ministry
  • The anointing of witnesses to ministry in the end-times generation.
  • An overview of the battles to be fought during this time.
  • A powerful gospel message that the Lord’s chosen people will take throughout the earth.
  • A 2nd resurrection which takes place following the final gospel proclamation.

Again, it is important to remember that the Book of Revelation has been written to the church in order to provide understanding of coming events - so that Christian leadership will be equipped to lead the Lord’s people through these tremendously challenging battles which lie shortly before us.

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