Video 10 of God's Anointed Warriors In The Last Days
(Revelation 17 & 18)
Now, a large percentage of people around the globe do not doubt that a terrible darkness is rapidly creeping into the world. Christians who are deeply burdened and searching for more understanding need to anticipate how, when, and where these forces of darkness will strike next.
Thus, the purpose of this session is to prepare soldiers in the army of God by providing advance intelligence concerning the dark and terrifying powers that are rapidly surfacing among the nations of the world.
This presentation will address the following:
- Mystery Babylon – A Controlling Influence over Mighty Nations
- Then we will introduce the Woman who Rides the Beast
- Who is this Woman & Who is this Beast - How are they related to today’s world
- What is the Woman’s Relationship to the Beast
- Then we’ll discover that The Woman Loves the Beast – But the Beast Hates the Woman
- Her great fall is coming for – She will burn in a day
- We’ll also discuss the Parallelism between the United States and Mystery Babylon
- Finally, we need to hear Our Lord’s Calling concerning Mystery Babylon , that is – “Come Out of Her, My People”