Video 3 of God's Anointed Warriors In The Last Days
(Revelation 4 – 6)
As the first four seals are broken, four horsemen emerge with individual missions which will bring forth blessings as well as, much chaos and confusion into the world.
This presentation will address the following:
- The Father gives the Scroll to His Son who now begins to open the Seven Seals of the Scroll
- The opening of the first “Five Seals” and their Effect on the World of Today
- Identifying the Four Horsemen and their Respective Missions
- The Positive & Negative Effect of the Four Horsemen
- A Christian perspective on Tribulation
- We’ll also meet the “Martyrs under the Throne” as the Fifth Seal is Opened and their lesson for Christian warriors of this generation
- We’ll also address what is the true Spirit of Martyrdom
The Lamb of God is our true Commander-in-Chief. He is a mighty Leader who would never delegate assignments to His people that He Himself wouldn’t readily embrace.